Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pushing Daisies--Dead or Alive?

It is always nice to see a new show on TV that is unique and filled with unfamiliar storylines, and Pushing Daisies is both. Bryan Fuller's new show on ABC has all the right components to be a new favorite: humor, drama, and a love story, all of which revolve around the main character, Ned, who can bring dead people back to life.

Pushing Daisies makes light of a normally serious subject: death. Ned has the power to bring dead people back to life by simply touching them. They stay alive for a full minute, after which they will remain alive unless Ned touches them again. If he decides to keep them alive another person in close proximity will die. Ned decides to use his power to help solve crimes by bringing people back to life and asking them how they died. If they were murdered, they would surely remember who killed them. Then, once he knows how the person died, he touches them again and kills them for good.

All of the characters seem to be hopped up on caffeine, or sugar, which is fitting because the storyline revolves around Ned's pie bakery: Pie Hole. Everyone talks a mile a minute and is quite witty. Watching Ned use discretion in who to keep alive and who to "re-kill" is quite comical as it pokes fun at the finality of death. Ned's humbleness paired with his god-like powers to determine who dies and who gets another chance at life make for a light-hearted story that you will surely enjoy.

If you haven't seen an episode yet, catch a new one on ABC, Wednesday nights at 8. There is a recap at the beginning of every episode which will bring you up to speed if you're new to the show, or remind you what happened last week if you're an avid watcher. Enjoy!

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